略歴:日本医科大学医学部卒業。東京大学医学部附属病院小児科に入局し、医局派遣先(亀田総合病院、都立墨東病院)で研修後、公益財団法人松下政経塾第26期生として入塾。卒塾後、鳥取県にある医療福祉センター倉吉病院精神科にて、児童思春期外来を担当。以後、7年に渡り児童精神科分野を中心に診療。この間、2010年に鳥取県選挙区から参議院議員選挙に出馬するが落選。2015年より東京大学医学部附属病院こころの発達診療部。2016年より英国キングスカレッジロンドンのInstitute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscienceに1年間留学し、修士号取得。2018年5月に鳥取県倉吉市にて虹の森クリニックを開業。2020年には英国ロンドンに虹の森センターロンドンを開設。「もっとも希望から遠い所にいる人が希望の光となれる社会をつくる」を志に奮闘中。資格:精神保健指定医、日本精神神経学会専門医・指導医、日本児童青年精神医学会認定医、子どものこころ専門医、日本医師会認定産業医Mari Sakano, MD, MSc :Education-Doctor of Medicine Diploma at Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan-Master of Science in Child and Adolescent Mental Health at Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London, University of London (2016-2017)Postgraduate Medical Training- Resident at Department of Paediatrics, the University of Tokyo Hospital (also rotated at Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital and Kameda Medical Centre)- Resident at Department of Psychiatry, Kurayoshi Hospital, Tottori, Japan Professional Appointments- Clinical Fellow at Department of Psychiatry, Kurayoshi Hospital, Tottori, Japan- Clinical Fellow at Department of Child Psychiatry, the University of Tokyo Hospital- Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Rainbow Forest ClinicQualification- Certified Psychiatrist/Instructor (The highest qualification as a general psychiatrist in Japan)- Designated Psychiatrist (Equivalent to Section 12 approved psychiatrist in the UK)- Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist (The highest qualification as a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Japan)- Certified Occupational PhysicianOther- The 26th Scholarship Associate at Matsushita Institute of Government and Management- The candidate of the Member to the House of the Councillors, Democratic Party (2010)CommentsI have engaged in medical practice more than eighteen years. I am now qualified as a general psychiatrist as well as a child and adolescent psychiatrist. I completed MSc in child and adolescent mental health at King's College London. I opened my own private clinic, "Rainbow Forest Clinic" in Kurayoshi, Tottori, Japan.My life mission is to create the society where the most hopeless people can BE the hope for others.
テーマ: 発達障がい
テーマ: 【保存版】参考情報集
テーマ: 教育(子ども)
テーマ: 虹の森ニュース