I am the founder and CEO of EIS Media Group™ and Bible Discourses LLC™.This webpage will showcase my online projects; thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoy.Sincerely,Emmanuel Isaiah Smith (E. I. Smith) #LEVXXVVX | (((Leviticus 25:10))) | #EISMediaGroup | #GangstalkingVisit me on Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/emmanuelisaiahsmith123Visit me on Twitter at : https://www.twitter.com/senateandhouseVisit me on YouTube at : https://www.youtube.com/@EmmanuelSmithEISmithVisit me on Linkedin at :https://www.linkedin.com/in/eismediagroupVisit me on Mastodon at : https://mastodon.social/@emmanuelisaiahsmithVisit me on WIX at :https://eismith004.wixsite.com/politicalprotocols/Visit me on Blogspot at :https://emmanuelisaiahsmith.blogspot.com/ {and} https://www.gang-stalkinginaction.blogspot.com/ Visit me on TikTok at :https://www.tiktok.com/@emmanuelsmith2805__________________________________________________________The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security debacle and crime against humanity, has legalized terrorism, biological warfare, germ warfare, intentional disease spreading, and food contamination as well. Federally guided Gangstalkers, that is to say unpaid patrolmen and patrolwomen who take signals, cues, vehicular signals, and physical cues from other gangstalkers, namely to locate and confront targeted individuals, are used endlessly by federally authorized liaisons to prosecute thuggish and unconstitutional attack protocols against unsuspecting citizens; all of which is done in the name of “national security.” The United States Federal Government (it’s representatives) has engaged in every crime imaginable; from assassinations and cover-ups, to illegal wars and massacres, to taxpayer money misappropriation and perjury. The gangstalking mechanism, which is the federally funded enlistment of rowdy, belligerent, incoherent thug mob militias, is a manifestation of the congressional catastrophe that is the federal, state, and local legislature construct in America. The United States Federal Government is a cheap, illiterate, violent, pandering, and cowardly construct that adheres to no constitutional precepts and no governing philosophy. It is simply a tax-and-spend monstrosity that donates $2T in taxpayer dollars per year (more than every other country in the world combined) on useless, stupid, and time-wasting military expenditures which always trickle down in substance (not always execution) to the law enforcement mechanism and the covert, clandestine, and behind-the-scenes, federal law enforcement mechanism, which has been combined with Department of Defense military stratagem and fusion center all-in-one terrorism and/or fugitive task force operations, to form an omnipresent ever-ready location, surveillance, tracking, apprehension, and disruption mechanism, which is aimed at private citizens that are not under investigation for any crime. These costly, cowardly, and inept mechanisms result in the hidden apprehension of targeted persons, many of which never see the federally authorized thug mobilization tactics that are used against them until the gangstalker approaches them suddenly. This stupid congressional blunder makes the world more dangerous and threatens the credibility of the United States. The United States of America is not a democracy. The United States of America is not a constitutional republic. The United States Federal Government has perpetrated terrorism in other countries and has perpetrated terrorism here in the United States. In other countries, it has used its Department of Defense, Department of Justice, warmongering capabilities, assassination squads, cash reserves, overseas traitorous snitch militias, and power-mongering resources to instigate regime change. It has used these same resources to facilitate seek-and-destroy-styled bloodbaths in foreign countries that it has invaded. The United States Federal Government, using its Departments of Defense and Justice, has carried out covert assassinations in other countries against political and non-political actors under false pretenses, namely for sketchy, political, or war profiteering reasons. The United States Federal Government, using its Department of Justice, has assassinated United States citizens under sketchy or hidden pretenses. The United States Federal Government is directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of 40,000,000 persons worldwide since 1945. All of these deaths were sacrifices to the United States’ military industrial complex war profiteering module, its blood-for-oil scheme, and its various other blood stained corporate crony stock revenue and national security mechanisms. Here in the United States, the United States Federal Government has continued its treasonous, murderous, and exterminationist system of cronyism, military industrial revenue generating schemes, and “America First” international non-diplomatic thuggery. Gangstalking is a federally funded murder mechanism in which United States citizens are federally rendered as expendable. This process, which is obviously a thuggish excuse to pump more taxpayer money into the military industrial complex which fuels gangstalking, is extrajudicial and lacks any semblance of a notification, habeas corpus, defendant summons, court hearing, legal defense or advocacy, jury, trial, or sentencing. Rather a canal of federally commissioned dirtbags decide in private who of the American populace should be entered into the United States Federal Government’s constitutionally illiterate search-and-destroy protocol, and clandestinely entered their name and vital statistics into a federally kept law enforcement database, one that is top secret and unsearchable by 99.9% of law enforcers in the country. This database, and one’s entry into it, unleashed a torrent of street theater, derived car accidents, workplace mobbing, hostile and/or violent encounters with gangstalking thugs, home invasions, bank account fraud, wire fraud, credit card theft, slander/libel/defamation, voter fraud, identity theft, and orchestrated catastrophes in the life of the targeted individual, all of which are federally directed under the guise of a national security protocol. The United States citizens that are placed in this database are dead to rights and are not considered “real citizens,” but rather fodder for Gangstalkers, people who give and take signals, verbal commands, vehicular cues and the like, to know where to go and when and who to pester and when. The United States Federal Government should ratify a binding resolution designating itself a terrorist state. The United States of America is a terrorist state. This country has legalized terrorism as a matter of congressional legislation. The United States Federal Government has authorized and financed terrorist activities. Terrorism is the new American norm. Terrorist acts have been enabled, sanctioned and sustained by the United States Congress. Terrorism is the prevailing political ideology of the United States of America. Gangstalking, which is terrorist thuggery made manifest, was authorized and steadily reinforced over the past twenty years, using military industrial warfare tactics as its backdrop. Military industrial technologies and weapons are used by federally authorized liaisons that are strategically planted throughout the United States. These liaisons, through a system of signals, cues, vehicular maneuvers, and verbal commands mobilize millions of thuggish, nitwitted, deleterious American pawns called gangstalkers. These gangstalkers live to pester, confront, and attack targeted individuals anytime and anywhere. The United States Federal Government has legalized germ warfare perpetrated by Gangstalkers against targeted individuals. The USA is guilty of biological warfare and mass food contamination as well. The systemic spreading of disease has always been a favorite terroristic mechanism used by various United States governmental entities. The United States of America is not a Democracy. The United States of America is not a Constitutional Republic. Gangstalking, the United States Federal Government's useless, thuggish, and expensive national security protocol has many names. Covert War, community harassment, hate-stalking, cause-stalking, and clandestine stalking are all adjectives used to describe gangstalking. There is another term that is used for gangstalking, one that I would like to focus on; the term is called touchless torture. The United States Federal Government has a long and prolific history of torturing people or using torture as a state-sanctioned protocol. Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib prisons come to mind when referencing more recent instances of USA governmental torture mechanisms. Waterboarding was used in these torture chambers by United States Armed Forces personnel against the Muslim or Arab prisoners, presumably to extract a confession from them about terrorism or something else. All that resulted from this thuggery was false confessions from the tortured prisoners that resulted in misinformation and bad intelligence for the United States Department of Defense to find subsequent terrorism leads with. It is well known among military, law-enforcement, and political factions worldwide that torture is a useless way of interrogating people. As a matter of fact, it is just plain stupid. It is stupid because if the torture is done to someone who is genuinely innocent of their charges or someone who does not know the answers to the questions given, then the damned torture mechanism will do either one of two things; it will kill the prisoner, resulting in another United States federally enabled instance of state-sanctioned murder, or it will force a false confession from the tortured, resulting in misstatements and bad blood between the truth, falsehoods, and progress. The truth is, that torture is not meant to be a corrective action or a remedy. It is not meant to extract the truth from a suspect. It is not meant to aid national security or law enforcement safety efforts. Rather its aims are simply to injure, maim, or kill. Gangstalking is one such torture mechanism. It is not rooted in national security interests as its legislative documents imply. It is a way for federally authorized cowards to use government resources, the power of the Congress of the United States, and useful idiot gangstalkers to attack select United States civilians with impunity. The United States Congress has authorized torture here in the United States. The United States is not a Democracy. The United States is not a Constitutional Republic. The United States Federal Government guarantees three things to the American taxpayer and indeed the whole world. The first thing is that the United States is guaranteed to ignore and subvert its federal and state constitutions. The second thing is that the United States Federal Government will always try to find a way to subvert other countries, even its allies. It will accomplish this by infiltrating their Federal, State, and local legislatures by stealth, paying their elected leaders to do its bidding at the expense of their own citizens, and instigate wars and armed conflicts against countries that do not allow its ambassadors and other liaisons to wreak havoc in their governmental workings. The third thing is that the United States Federal Government will continue to spend $2,000,000,000,000.00/year on useless military expenditures with the hope that they will result in a costly bloodbath in a foreign nation, preferably one that cannot fight back effectively. This will ensure that the military industrial complex’s revenue shares, stock prices, and net worth will skyrocket to the delight of its executives and to the detriment of the national debt. Gangstalking is a military industrial endeavor that Congress has authorized through ignorance and stealth, being buried in 7,000 paged national security bills. This program authorized apish, cowardly, inbred, diseased, thuggish, nitwitted, numbskull, homicidal lunatics (who will attack men, women, or children) called gangstalkers to follow federally provided cues and signals to locate targeted individuals and “confront” them. The process of who becomes a targeted individual is hidden and extrajudicial. _____________________________ The United States Federal Government has, over the past 75 years in particular, used mass murder, assassinations, embezzlement, high treasonous legislation, illegal and undeclared wars, and domestic terrorism as its political anchors. _________________ The gangstalking mechanism that has permeated every crevice of the American social, political, and legislative functions is the result of illbred, illconceived, and treacherous congressional legislation that proves that the Congress of the United States of America neither reads or gets the legislation that it ratified. The American taxpayer gets to pay the bills for the political misgivings of their elected representatives while the criminally insane homicidal thugs that they have enlisted for their thuggish nationwide obstruction militia goes about their day attempting to harm, maim, disrupt, kill, or cause the incarceration of targeted individuals, people who are politically dead to rights; people who the United States Federal Government has, throughout criminal negligence, sold to its military industrial complex and its multi-trillion-dollar tracking and location protocol, the likes of which is tantamount to the USA’s own brand of mass murderous dealings and crimes against humanity. The American gangstalking mechanism is pure unadulterated thuggery. The kinds of people that participate in it (gangstalking) are thugs to their core. They have embraced a thuggish, cowardly, and degenerate mindset, one that enables them to act like zoo animals on a daily basis. __________________________ Gangstalking is a congressionally authorized post 9/11/2001 thug enabling mechanism, one that allows United States citizens, using a combination of degenerate learned behaviors, a variety of identifiable signals and cues from other stalkers, and a nonsensical personal animosity towards those that the target, has replaced every federal, state, and local law as the new American legal guideline. ____________________________________ American political cronyism has enabled gangstalking due to the political, governmental and legal nature of it. The United States Congress has, and continues to practice a derived system of legislative incompetence, one that enables it to pay its affiliated cronies $2,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer dollars per year for useless military expenditures, many of which are used against United States citizens. _____________________________ Synchronization is a part of gangstalking, which is the congressionally authorized mobile gulag protocol that has been legislated against select United States citizens (targeted individuals or targeted persons). Synchronization is a sophisticated and highly visible timed maneuver that places a gangstalker in the immediate vicinity of a targeted individual at the exact same place and the exact same time. This maneuver is the cause of person-to-person collisions, vehicle-to-person collisions, and vehicle-to-vehicle collisions between targeted persons and their gangstalkers. The targeted individual’s exact location is mathematically calculated using military stratagem and military industrial quality formation mechanisms which are executed by stalkers who have taken cues and signals from their liaisons. As the targeted person travels via foot, bicycle, boat, or vehicle, the Gangstalkers are in motion in his vicinity from the north, south, east, and west. The target’s distance from the stalkers as well as his speed and general direction traveled are gathered by federally authorized liaisons. _______________________ The stalkers watch for signals and cues from the liaisons. As the target reaches a certain point, the stalkers move in and either obstructively cut his path off or collide into him causing a significant problem. ___________________________ This maneuver is one of many thuggish and intrusive experimental devices used against targeted individuals by the United States Federal Government’s moronic post September 11, 2001 national security measures. In the course of human events, the United States Federal Government has authorized state-sanctioned mass murder. ___________________ The Congress of the United States has failed in its duty to uphold the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court of the United States has failed in its duty to uphold the United States Constitution. The President of the United States has failed in his duty to uphold the United States Constitution. _____________________________________________ Every governor and state legislature in the United States of America have failed to uphold the Constitutions of their States. ____________________________________________________ The United States of America is run by cronies of federal, state, and local politicians who have no interest in serving their respective populations, but rather issuing as many government contracts to their crony affiliates, all of whom donate to the political campaigns of their racketeering cohorts and probably give them kickbacks as a show of gratitude for the contracts awarded to their businesses. The United States Federal Government guarantees three things to the American taxpayer and indeed the whole world. The first thing is that the United States is guaranteed to ignore and subvert its federal and state constitutions. The second thing is that the United States Federal Government will always try to find a way to subvert other countries, even its allies. It will accomplish this by infiltrating their Federal, State, and local legislatures by stealth, paying their elected leaders to do its bidding at the expense of their own citizens, and instigate wars and armed conflicts against countries that do not allow its ambassadors and other liaisons to wreak havoc in their governmental workings. The third thing is that the United States Federal Government will continue to spend $2,000,000,000,000.00/year on useless military expenditures with the hope that they will result in a costly bloodbath in a foreign nation, preferably one that cannot fight back effectively. This will ensure that the military industrial complex’s revenue shares, stock prices, and net worth will skyrocket to the delight of its executives and to the detriment of the national debt. Gangstalking is a military industrial endeavor that Congress has authorized through ignorance and stealth, being buried in 7,000 paged national security bills.
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